GTAography Pt. 2

Recently picked up Grand Theft Auto V again after a lengthy hiatus from playing.

Being interested in photography, it was only a matter of time before I rediscovered the in-game camera phone… I really need to start taking and posting more real-life photos.

(This is a follow-up to my December 2013 post GTAography)

Some Text And Some Photos

I’ve noticed this blog has morphed into a website focused around my 30 Minutes of Music podcast. That wasn’t my original intent when I signed up for a web host, but what can you do.

I don’t really have anything creative or interesting to write about, so that is one reason why there aren’t many text posts, and I already have a Flickr account for my photography, so I don’t really see a reason to post a bunch of photos on here. (That and when I do think of uploading a photo or two, I never know which photos to upload.)

In any case, I’m going to try and make a more concerted effort to post stuff on here that isn’t the 30 Minutes of Music podcast. I’m not sure yet if I’ll put up text posts and pieces of writing. After writing nothing but news for the last year or two, my creative writing abilities have slumped a bit. That part of my brain, it seems, isn’t as robust as it used to be, so I’ll have to try and work on that.

Also, after a year or so of less-than-stellar service, I’ve moved this site over to a new web host. I’ve already noticed the website is quicker to load and quicker to edit and post. (I also won’t get dozens of emails anymore from the Jetpack plugin telling me my website is down! Whoo!)

In the meantime, here are some photos from the summer of June 2014 that I recently uploaded to my Flickr account. They were shot with a Nikon f401x film camera on Arista 400 black and white film, which, sadly, isn’t manufactured anymore. (A shame too, as it’s a really nice looking high-contrast film.)

I have some rolls of Ilford HP5 and a roll of Kodak T-Max 100 that I really should use before they expire… More things to worry about!


My dad, Terry, in June 2014

A tree as seen in silhouette in Port Franks, Ontario in June 2014

A bird sits atop an old TV antenna near Port Franks, Ontario in June 2014

A happy dog rolling in the grass near Port Franks, Ontario in June 2014

The Difference A Good Scanner Makes (Part 2)

Here’s another example of why a good scanner matters. Tack this on as an addition to my earlier post.

In addition to scanning my own film (rescanning, I guess) and my Dads, I’ve been rescanning slides taken by my great-uncle Jack Cuthbert. He was in the Air Force, and did a bit of travelling. Luckily, he took a camera with him when he did, and shot on Kodachrome transparencies.

Most of them (if not all) are from the early 1960’s. This one in particular, was taken in Nova Scotia in 1961.

The top photo shows the slide as it was scanned with my old Minolta Dual Scan II scanner, while the bottom is from by my newer Plustek.

Click for larger! I’ve tried to edit them in similar ways in terms of brightness and contrast.

Minolta Dual Scan II (1999) -- No Multi-exposure
Minolta Dual Scan II (1999)
Plustek Opticfilm 8200i (2012)-- Multi-exposure
Plustek Opticfilm 8200i (2012)

If you flip back and forth between the two, you can see major differences in how certain colours are picked up by the scanner, and how each scanner handles dark shadows and strong highlights.

Here’s another example, also scanned from Kodachrome slides taken in 1961.

Minolta Dual Scan II (1999)
Minolta Dual Scan II (1999)
Plustek Opticfilm 8200i (2012)
Plustek Opticfilm 8200i (2012)

Invest in a good scanner! It will keep you from having to redo work (like me!)

Giving Credit

A short post.

Can you think of any creative mediums, besides photography, where giving credit to the creator is either completely forgotten, viewed as pointless, or seen as odd to most people?

“It’s just a photo.” You never hear that about anything else.

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