Taking another whack at this Zoomify/Leaflet thing after my post yesterday of London from the air in 1965.
I shot this panoramic back on June 24, 2013 from a window of the Delta Armouries in Downtown London.
It’s made up of about 17 photos, all taken at 135 mm zoom with a Nikon D40x. Stitched together with Autopano, the photo is about 33,086 pixels wide by 3,529 pixels high. The jpg alone is about 60 megs, while the unedited tiff came in at just over 1.5 gigs (yikes..)
I’ve had it up on Flickr for a while, but you can’t really see any of the detail in it because of the zoom limitations on that website. (In order for people to actually zoom in and see any detail, I would have to disable the setting that prevents people on the web from seeing the full-res versions of all my uploaded photos.)
Here, however, thanks to the magic of image tiling via Zoomify and Leaflet, you can zoom in and see all the detail, and I don’t have to worry about people having the full-res photo. (You may be thinking I’m going a bit over the top, but it’s not uncommon for people’s photos to be snatched off the web and made into prints, iPhone cases, calendars, or used on websites without permission and attribution.)
Anywhoo, below is a zoomable look at portions of London’s east end, and northeast. A bigger version can be found here.
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